This is a overview of the Inov-8 - F-Lite 305 GTX, a durable black and white waterproof running shoe. Waterproof running shoes make a great shoe for not just running but for a number of outdoor activities. They are also stylish and comfortable enough to be used as everyday footwear for tackling those everyday activities such as going to school and running to the grocery store.
The is a waterproof running shoes that is made with Gore-Tex®, which is a waterproof breathable fabric that prevents water from getting into your foot, while allowing your feet to breath. Keeping your feet nice and dry in any type of wet environment.
The Inov-8 - F-Lite 305 GTX waterproof running shoes is an urban racer that is ultra lightweight and ideal for free-running, parkour or urban racing. This Advanced Meta-Flex™ technology which is anatomically aligned in front of the metatarsal heads for a natural forefoot flex. This shoe also has Synthetic leather and textile upper. TPU lacing support - laces are attached to polymer upper supports to cradle the foot more evenly. Gore-Tex® waterproof gives the shoe a breathable membrane and Met-Cradle™ cradles the forefoot behind the metatarsal heads for a secure foot hold. Endurance last provides a generous and comfortable fit is ideal for training and long distances. Fascia-Band™ on the outsole of the shoe aids propulsion efficiency of the running cycle. It also features a non-marking rubber outsole.
The Inov-8 waterproof running shoe is perfect for athletes because of its Advanced Meta-Flex™ technology, which makes the natural flexing of the foot less stiff. Its loose and comfortable fit makes it a great match for runners who run long distances. With the waterproof feature you know you are covered if the weather should happen to change at a moment's notice while you're on your daily run. Currently only available in women's sizes.
16 August 2012
Waterproof Running Shoes - Inov-8 F Lite 305 GTX Overview
By Asyraf
Posted at 01:38
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