22 August 2012

Basic Parkour Shoes

By Asyraf   Posted at  09:48   Basic Outfit No comments

Efficiency of movement, speed, and performance of many tricks strongly depends on the tracer's shoes.Legs not only have most of the loads, but the most traumatic stress - landing when jumping from different heights. Therefore, you should pay a special attention when you chose parkour shoes for training.

Basic requirements for tracer's footwear are:
- Good grip
- Depreciation
- Sustainability
- Low weight
- Preservation of a favorable microclimate for foot
- Reliability

Let us consider in more detail, what do we mean by such requirements.

- Grip - this requirement is especially important for parkour because tracer often uses vertical surface, the clutch which is particularly important and often determines the feasibility of some of the tricks. It can be both usual jog or pushing on the wall, and inhibition during the descent from the heights from which you can not just jump.

- Sustainability - this feature prevents the foot from tucking the legs and increases traction.

- Depreciation - smoothes the sharp pressure on the foot. In some measure it insures the foot and the entire skeleton from traumatic stress. In addition, depreciation allows the sole to bend adjusting for topography smoothing out small bumps and pebbles, reducing point-traumatic stress of the foot and increasing traction.

- Small weight - light weight shoes will allow you to train for a longer time without tiring legs, it will also increase the speed and control of movements.

- Microclimate - health of the foot depends on it. Because the feet are subjected to heavy loads and are in close contact with dust from the ground, they sweat, get soiled, rubbed and being exposed to the high amount of microorganisms. Therefore, shoes should be free to "breathe", not to violate the circulation of blood, need to remove moisture, and preferably to have inner surface with antiseptic properties.

- Reliability - this means that the shoes will withstand the load, and at the critical moment is whether they will not fall apart (this both deals with protectors, laces and other elements)


Running shoes can be identified by the following basic characteristics:

- The back: fixes the heel of Achilles tendon. Non-slip feet, which provides normal position of the foot.
- Lace: sneakers laced in the form should not constrict the foot or worthen the blood circulation.
- Insole: There are two types - regular and orthopedic. Last one provide additional comfort and cushioning.
- Midsole: most often made from EVA (ethyl-vinyl acetate) of different stiffness. Designed to absorb shock and control motion.
- Support System Arch: prevents excessive twisting of the foot.
- System of depreciation backdrop: reduces shock loads.
- System of depreciation Sock: it reduces pressure on the foot when transferring weight from toe to heel.
- Rigid heel: heel fixation element that is made of plastic.
- Outsole: its main function - to ensure flexibility and freedom of movement of the foot in a sneaker, and a good grip.

How to choose parkour shoes? Special attention when choosing a shoe should be given to the tread and the materials out if which they are made. It can be written anything on the shoe, any mega-giga technology, but check all the necessary details. Material should be soft and clingy. To test this, simply sweep your finger over the surface of the sole - if the finger does not slide, the material will cling to any surface. Do not take the shoues if the material is hard and slippery - on flat concrete or metal surfaces it will slide with any protectors. Protectors should look like small speakers squares, diamonds, circles - the main thing that they do not have solid long lines. In no case you should take the shoes with flat soles - they are intended for hall usage.

Also take a look at the depreciation of the sock. In order to determine whether the depreciation is sufficient try to compress the sole with your fingers on the sides - the places where there is depreciation will be noticeably softer to the touch.

Appearance does not matter much, because anyway after a month of training shoe becomes dirty and with trampled soles. Any depreciation stands for a maximum of three months, protectors live a little longer.

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